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Just one person can make a difference. 

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Thank you for being that person!

In addition to becoming your go-to piece of jewellery, we hope the Together We Can Necklace will remind you that we all have power to make a world of difference.

Fifteen dollars from the proceeds from your necklace purchase support meaningful initiatives through Zonta and JustOne.

Read more below.  

finehiltonheadhomes, JustOne and Zonta Hamilton 1


Working Together, Because Together We Can

Together We Can...

finehiltonheadhomes Protects the Planet Through Sustainable Clothing Choices

Priya, the founder of finehiltonheadhomes, calls it the Parable of the White Linen Pants.


Each year in May, she would buy a lovely pair of white linen pants—her “forever” pants—and by the following May, those pants wouldn’t fit her anymore. So what did she do? She went out and bought another pair. Eventually she had a stack of white pants that didn’t fit and she had to acknowledge that something wasn’t right—not with her, but with the fashion industry.


As we all know, the definition of insanity is doing the same this over and over again and expecting a different outcome. So Priya decided to reclaim her sanity.

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She decided that if she were in charge of fashion, she would make clothes that would always fit, regardless of how her body evolved. She would use vintage fabrics—why add new pollution for fabric production to the environment? And she would demand meticulous construction from fairly paid artisans so that the clothing could stand the test of repeated washes.


The Result: the finehiltonheadhomes Pure Upcycled Silk Collection--a clothing line  inspired by a desire to ethically repurpose high-quality vintage silk saris with an eye towards sustainability.

Together We Can...

JustOne Uses Fashion to Break Cycles of Poverty

At JustOne, we want to see the end of poverty - beginning in the lives of our artisan partners. When poverty persists for two generations or more – it is defined as generational poverty. To break the poverty cycle, individuals and families need opportunities to dignified, fair work. 


JustOne’s goal is to end poverty through ethical fashion. We provide customers the opportunity to shop with purpose - making a world of difference while purchasing incredibly gorgeous, quality items handcrafted by talented artisans in Kenya and Uganda.

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Through your purchases artisans have been able to send their children to school, buy land and cattle, build homes and ultimately end the poverty cycle. This is what we call - world changing fashion.


Everyone has value – but not everyone has been given the same opportunity. And that just isn’t fair – and this is our main motivation. 


We want to see artisans, their families and communities thrive.

Together We Can...

Zonta Facilitates Equitable Climate Action

The Zonta Club of Hamilton 1 has been helping women and girls, locally and internationally since 1928.

Zonta members are volunteers who care deeply about the rights of women and girls. We believe in working together to build a better world for women and girls.

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Zonta Says Now is a global initiative that envisions a sustainable and gender-equal future.

Zonta International has recognized that climate change is a human rights issue, and a significant threat to women achieving their full potential. Climate change magnifies gender inequality.

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Climate disasters like wildfires, extreme heat, floods, and storms affect women and children more due to gender inequality, leaving women with fewer resources and choices compared to men.

In Hamilton, Zonta Hamilton 1 is dedicated to taking action now. Members are educating themselves and others about climate change, promoting awareness of local concerns for gender-equal climate justice, collaborating with similar organizations striving for climate justice, and backing groups aiming to decrease food insecurity through community gardens.


Proceeds from the sale of this necklace will be used locally for Zonta Says Now initiatives.