finehiltonheadhomes - Priya's POV 2023-08-15T16:41:18-04:00 finehiltonheadhomes 2023-08-15T16:41:18-04:00 2023-08-20T16:43:44-04:00 Rainy Days, Fireplaces, Obama and Fabric Priya Mohan Life can be hard, but it’s beautiful. And the one thing you can control is your experience of it. 


Honestly, TV is magic these days. It’s raining outside and it’s windy. And I don’t have a fireplace so I thought, “Of course! I will put on a YouTube fireplace and have that on in the background while I run around the house and get things done.”

So this is where the magic comes in, I put on YouTube and somehow the TV knows that I love Trevor Noah (is it spying on me?) And the next thing I know I am watching Trevor Noah interview Barack Obama. And shockingly, Barack and I have been sharing some of the same thoughts. 

When asked about why things feel so out of control in the world, he said that people find comfort in blame, and in believing things that aren’t true when change is thrust upon them too quickly and so they need to push back in any way they can. 

I think that's something we can all relate to. People will believe what they need to believe until they are ready to believe something different, because change is hard and people are only human, with brains that are programmed to protect us in whatever way they can from things that are so traumatizing that they might make it difficult for us to survive.

So what does this have to do with finehiltonheadhomes? SariKNOTsari is self care when there’s nothing else you can do but watch people’s journey’s unfold, sometimes in ways that can be really uncomfortable. 

If this resonates with you today, look around your house, find something that brings you joy and give yourself 10 seconds to feel it, smell it, hear it. Let it ground you. Life can be hard, but it’s beautiful. And the one thing you can control is your experience of it. 

]]> 2023-07-05T10:27:11-04:00 2023-07-06T17:33:30-04:00 Serenity Now! Priya Mohan There is so much we can’t control and it’s overwhelming and sad. BUT we have access to small wins that can help us weather the storm. For me, those wins are tied to my clothes and how I choose to show up.


I wrote this many months ago, and thought it was too dark to share at the time. But things with me are so much better now so when I came upon it accidentally today, I thought maybe somebody out there needs to hear this. 

It is a hard truth that you can't help make people whole by helping them bypass that suffering that leads to growth.

Sadly, a person needs to feel emotional pain and live within it as it cracks the rigidity of their bones and shapes them into the next version of themselves. Sometimes you have no choice but feel them feeling the pain and trust that it will help them grow.

There is so much we can’t control and it’s overwhelming and sad. BUT we have access to small wins that can help us weather the storm. For me, those wins are tied to my clothes and how I choose to show up.

I can wear clothes that connect me to the world and remind me that I have power to create change in small ways that are almost imperceptible, but contribute to a greater good.

I opt for comfort because I deserve it. There are enough opportunities for discomfort without me inventing my own. 

I am so much more mindful about how I dress these days. It used to be about following trends and trying to look cute and now what I put on my body is a statement about my values. The things I can control and that I can be proud of. 

If I find myself wearing the same pair of pants every day for a week, that’s a win! That means I’ve “bought less” and that I’m “wearing more”. 

If I need to find inspiration, I look at jewellery that was handmade, where someone looked into their soul and found a way to express what was there in the artistry created by their hands. 

And I reach for colour because the world is a bright place and I am blessed to be in it and sometimes I need reminding of that. 

Where relationships and people we love are concerned, sometimes all we can do is leave space for people to grow, and for me, I need the serenity to accept that. But I do have the courage to change the things I can change, and I’m developing the wisdom to know the difference. 

- Priya 

]]> 2023-05-02T09:15:22-04:00 2023-05-02T09:17:12-04:00 Real Superheroes Need Real Self-Care Priya Mohan About a year ago, Shefali asked me a question about motherhood: Knowing what I know, would I do it again? “Of course,” was my immediate answer. And then came her harder question: Why?



About a year ago, Shefali asked me a question about motherhood: Knowing what I know, would I do it again? “Of course,” was my immediate answer. And then came her harder question: Why?

I think any mother would pause here. The joys of having children are infinite and unbounded. Children show you where the edges of yourself are—you want to protect them in the bubble of your care but you have to release them to be their own bubbles. Just by being themselves, they help you heal parts of yourself you didn’t know were broken. And your kids know you better than you know yourself in a way that is equal parts uncomfortable and endearing. As they grow older and move out of the shelter of your “mama bear” protection, they force you to place your trust in a benevolent universe, a faith that inevitably spreads to how you live the rest of your life.

And I think that’s why we need Mother’s Day. Being a mother is a commitment to emotional growth. And emotional growth is hard work. So we need care (and self-care) and if that care presents itself in the form of a pair of new pajamas, a scented candle, a copper water bottle, or a stone mala, then know it is truly well deserved.

Would I do motherhood again? Of course! Why? Because my children’s very existence has made my life bigger and fuller in more ways that I could have ever imagined. And, also because those girls are pretty fun to have around!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mama bears out there!

~Priya ❤️
]]> 2023-01-03T16:58:20-05:00 2023-01-03T17:00:11-05:00 The Things You Don't See Priya Mohan Here’s what you don’t see: while I was focussed on the colour and artistry of that silk scarf, my husband, feeling sprightly, tried to hop over a little wall around the pool. What you need to know is, that my husband is no longer spritely 😂!


Isn’t this a beautiful picture!? It was taken in Southern India, about five years ago. My family and I were sitting on the beach revelling in the quiet of a resort stay during a trip that was otherwise filled with sightseeing and travel between cities. I had just bought a hand-block-printed silk scarf in the richest shades of red, and couldn’t stop staring at how beautiful it looked wrapped around on my straw hat.

Here’s what you don’t see: while I was focussed on the colour and artistry of that silk scarf, my husband, feeling sprightly, tried to hop over a little wall around the pool. What you need to know is, that my husband is no longer spritely 😂!

He tripped, and got the TINIEST little scrape on his knee. Within seconds he was surrounded by resort workers. They came running in from all directions, carrying Band-Aids, towels, and even a stretcher. They dealt with his tiny little scrape with the concern and  care normally reserved for survivors of natural disasters! One man gently held his head and stroked his hair, while another, cleaned and bandaged his “wound”. The whole time, my husband just looked sheepish.

Eventually, my daughters, and I noticed the hullabaloo and looked over, worried at first and then holding back laughter. 

This is what travel is about. It’s not just the things you see in the pictures, it’s the things you can’t see in the pictures. It’s the memories, the mishaps, the laughter, the culture, the food …and, of course, the outfits that keep you mesmerized on a sunny day at the beach!

]]> 2022-12-12T21:28:36-05:00 2022-12-12T21:33:53-05:00 10 Quick Facts About Priya Priya Mohan My favourite colour is teal. But only when it’s paired with red. Otherwise it’s emerald green but then I also love me a good purple! Wait, but also just red, maybe with orange? Oh! And ochre! And olive! Maybe it would be easier to list colours I don’t like…. Nope, can’t think of any 🙈


Hi! I’m Priya Mohan. Here are 10 facts about me:

  1. I’m 52 years old and I founded finehiltonheadhomes 4 years ago.
  2. My favourite colour is teal. But only when it’s paired with red. Otherwise it’s emerald green but then I also love me a good purple! Wait, but also just red, maybe with orange? Oh! And ochre! And olive! Maybe it would be easier to list colours I don’t like…. Nope, can’t think of any 🙈 
  3. I taught at high school for 25 years with the Halton and Peel District School Boards. I started out teaching English and History, but eventually found my niche supporting students with learning disabilities. Teaching kids is fun because the best learning comes from play!
  4. I’ve known my husband for over 30 years and our journey together has been one of growth and increased communication, love, compassion and understanding. (Yup, that is definitely the bird’s eye view!!) Together, we have three daughters, all of whom have found ways to give back in their personal and professional lives. Their future on our planet was my inspiration to create a brand that allowed women to still have fun with clothing in a way that doesn’t harm the earth. 
  5. As a child, I would tie myself into my mom’s colourful sari petticoats to create multi-layered dresses. I would drift through the house practicing “poise” by balancing an Avon soapdish holder on my head as a crown. I still love clothes and playing dress up! It’s an ethereal feeling to twirl around and have the silk float through the air as you spin!
  6. finehiltonheadhomes is the evolution of a sustainability journey that started with vintage furniture. I have always felt that “things” carry with them the energy and dreams of their owners and through sharing these “things” we share in people’s journeys. I often imagine the people whose stories I now get to share through the garments I create from their pre-loved saris. What made them choose that colour? What event did they wear it to? Who did they take shopping with them? By wearing upcycled vintage silks, we get to be chapters in the fabric’s story, a story that documents people’s lives.
  7. Comfort is everything these days. Age has stripped away the energy for being precious about how I look—belts, buttons and panty hose are things of my past. Now I enjoy the things that matter, like being comfortable in my own skin and in my clothing (and shoes!!)
  8. I am all about community! How can we lift each other up and use our energy to improve everyone’s life, not just some lives? How can we bring people together where the focus isn’t fashion, but is individuality and authenticity. How can we re-envision “consumerism” as a way to improve our world for all the people in it? How can we be more accepting of ourselves and each other? I want shopping to be about so much more than just the “stuff” we buy. 
  9. When I meet someone, I look for their inner child–the most authentic part of themselves that is still full of wonder. I feel like the children within us deserve to be seen and given the opportunity to play dress up again!
  10. I am blessed. I know you hear that a lot these days, but I really mean it! Every day is a miracle of people and ideas and opportunities to just “be” but in new exciting ways.
]]> 2022-12-05T21:53:22-05:00 2022-12-05T22:05:16-05:00 Still Perfectly Imperfect Priya Mohan I didn’t know enough about the world to see all of it through a realistic lens. My rose-coloured glasses kept everything that wasn’t “perfect” blurry and out of focus.


I admitted to my kids the other day that I’m not perfect. I thought they already knew that! Apparently they just never heard me say it! 🙄🙈

“Perfection” was a lot easier when I was younger.

First of all, I didn’t know enough about the world to see all of it through a realistic lens. My rose-coloured glasses kept everything that wasn’t “perfect” blurry and out of focus.

As I get older and realize that perfection is and always was a myth. Imperfection allows me to make mistakes which create space for me to grow.  Imperfection allows me to embrace more of this world and of myself.

There’s something scary about perfection. Perfection begs to be maintained, and it is so easily offended by reality. And I think that’s part of the reason I am so very okay with wearing clothing that is slightly flawed. If a piece of clothing comes pre-“flawed“, I feel less pressure for me to try to maintain the illusion of perfection. Flaws mean that that piece of clothing is real, and I think I’m ready for “real” with all that entails. 💪🏾

If there is perfection, it is fleeting, and that’s what makes it special, not the fact that it can be maintained forever.

]]> 2022-11-29T17:27:15-05:00 2022-12-01T22:54:31-05:00 I’m not that girl anymore Priya Mohan

What happened? Well, I think it may have started with the shoes. I can’t wear heels anymore. My life is too busy for me to be tottering around, hoping that my feet can keep up with the rest of me.


I’m not that girl anymore. And it made me wonder why I wasn’t. 

Some of you may remember during my most recent IG live that Shefali, Mira and their friends walked through the store on their way in from a photo shoot and out to enjoy Friday night life. They were dressed to the nines in incredible fashions that showed off their personal style and their young bodies.

I used to be those girls.

I had boundless energy. I wanted to go out and have fun and I was happy to show all the leg I have!

What happened? Well, I think it may have started with the shoes. I can’t wear heels anymore. My life is too busy for me to be tottering around, hoping that my feet can keep up with the rest of me.

And I’m running out of energy. It’s not boundless anymore so I have to choose how I use it. I can only allot so much of it to the act of starting my day dressed and ready to go.  

And…I don’t dress for other people anymore. Not to say that I was out to impress, it’s just that I wanted to be part of what everyone else was doing in fashion, so I played along by keeping up with trends that made me more acceptable. So people would feel comfortable with what they saw, even if they weren’t comfortable with who I was.  

So maybe the difference is that I am more comfortable with who I am. People can like what I wear or not and I am now old enough to realize that that what they think not a reflection of me, but of themselves. Only I can define myself.

I still love to look good. To put on a pair of earrings that make me feel special. To walk into a room know that I’m turning heads, but I think now that I’m older, I want to be turning heads because of my confidence in myself and because people can see that I know who I am. I finally don’t need to show other people what I think THEY want to see. (That one took a long time for me to figure out – why the heck do I think that I know what other people want to see?)

So many times I have heard that youth is wasted on the young. I’m happy not to be a youth anymore. I don’t want to still be figuring every single thing out about how I fit into the world and whether or not who I am is acceptable to other people. I don’t want to dress a certain way because I’m concerned about how other people will define me.

I’m proud to say I’m finally defining myself.

By Priya Mohan
